Languid conjecture brings on the desires of a new year. My
thoughts are a bit jumbled and scattered so I hope you can bear with me while I
try to mold them into some semblance of organization.
God, Grace, and Time
I have been thinking
a great deal about the above lately and I must say that I’m feeling a mixture
of awe and grief. I’m literally in awe that God has let us go on this long, this
badly. This shows the Lord’s infinite capacity for both patience and mercy. Often when I should be kneeling before God,
thanking Him, I deride his kindness by being impatient with both Him and the
world! Recently I get so angry over trivial matters e.g., incompetent coworkers,
ineptness of government officials, greed, gun-rights, the jerk behind me at the
supermarket coughing on the back of my neck, and my chronically itching butt (which
leads me to believe I have worms)- but I digress. My point is, while I spend all
this time fretting, lamenting, and scratching away at these matters- I barely
bat an eyelash at all the time and life I’m squandering!
"The horror ... the horror “
The reality is: I’m running out of days. As the morning sun
glistens off the cover of my Bible I feel the weight of grief that comes from
my own excuses and devices. I don’t fear that I have wasted God’s infinite
Grace, but rather, it’s been wasted on me. But with a new year brings new
opportunity…And I’m coming for you! I’m coming for the lost; I’m coming for the missed
opportunities; I’m coming into the full presence of God!
Pray for me and my family;
and let us pray for you. I love you all!
Is there anything in your life that’s wasting time and God’s