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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Schism Sunday Vol. II: Jesus and Politics

Happy Easter!
We wanted to keep today’s Sunday Schism simple in honor of Easter, and what the Lord Jesus Christ  did for each and everyone of us. However, we did want to make sure something was put up as a tribute to HIM that conquered sin, death, and the grave.

Whether your Christian or non-Christian, all would agree that Jesus Christ was/is an Earth Shaker! Two thousand plus years after His birth the weight of His words and deeds still buffet, and baffle the hearts and minds of unbelievers that are brought into His presence. As believers we clearly see, hear, and feel the scarlet thread of redemption that continues to send shockwaves through the planet to this day!

Jesus Christ was no doubt the most polarizing figure that ever lived. His ideas and methods where at odds with almost every human institution and construct. So with religion being tossed about to and fro in the political system I want to ask:

Do you think Jesus was political? Was His mission in any way to form a “political body”? Was HE withdrawn from society forming a conventicle? Was he out to transform the powers?

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We would love to read your thoughts and responses! Have a very Happy, Safe, and blessed Easter Sunday!

Mark and Carla

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